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Panli App
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  • · After placing your order on the mainland shopping website, submit the transshipment in Panli, and send the goods to Panli warehouse, we can check the goods for you and initiate the international delivery.
  • · In order to facilitate the international delivery, please make sure that your Panli account has enough balance to cover the relevant expenses. Is the balance of your account not enough? Recharge now
  • · Alipay has no money to pay? Let Panli recharge,and view the recharge record
  • · Usually, collect delivery will be rejected directly, if you have to use the express collect function, please contact in advanceOnline customer service
  • 1
    Purchase Commodities
  • 2
    Submit Transfer
  • 3
    Acceptance Check of Panli
  • 4
    International Shipping
  • 5
    Confirm Receipt
Panli Warehouse Copy Address
Mobile phone182****5081

Welcome to use Panli transfer

Is self-service shopping too much trouble? You can try to entrust Panli professional buyers for your shopping orders! Immediate experience Freight estimation
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