Beijing Time
Panli App
Scan and download mobile version
Professional platform for overseas Chinese purchasing goods
  • 1

    Register and order

    Search for the products or Paste the link you have already found,Placd an order and pay.

  • 2

    Purchase and check goods

    Panli orders the goods, checks the goods, and weighs them into the warehouse.

  • 3

    Submit waybill

    Submit waybill,pay shipping and service fees.

  • 4


    Goods are packaged and weighed and shipped.

  • 5


    If you have any problems, contact our customer-service

The best goods · Panli select for you

  • 春韵花语 · 时尚新裳
  • 春季特惠大放送
  • 轻奢野餐一份
  • More >

Understand what you want · We understand you better

Featured logistics · Estimate shipping fee in advance

User evaluation · Always provide you with the best service

Choose Panli·Easy shopping and enjoy life

Panli is more professional

Many e-commerce experts with senior operating experience in the field of commodity purchasing
Advanced global logistics network and pioneering elite management team
In 15 years, more than 5 million overseas Chinese have become Panli members
Successfully purchased more than 50 million goods

Panli is more safer

Well-known payment and logistics providers provide support
Ensure that merchandise packages are delivered to users normally from booking to packaging and transshipment
Lost packages are paid in advance, and safety is guaranteed

Panli is more efficient

Complete the purchase within 16 hours of the order
Provide 24-hour customer service
Finish the quality inspection within 24 hours after the goods arrive
Package delivery within 24 hours after submitting the waybill

Panli is save money

Ultra-low international logistics as low as 12 yuan
Self-operated (YuGongFang) store order to enjoy discount
Free shipping for merchants and free domestic shipping